PoliSterilTM One - Instrument disinfectant kit

Kit for the invasive and non invasive instrument top quality disinfection, with sodium percarbonate, TAED and ozone.

PoliSterilTM ONE is a complete kit to disinfect invasive and non invasive surgical instruments, complying with different requirements according to the application and the commodity. It includes a top quality Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM disinfectant suitable for Medical device disinfection, such as sensitive, heat-sensitive endoscopes. The medical device disinfection can be carried out through the direct immersion in the disinfectant before washing or after disassembling of the re-usable instrument.

PoliSterilTM is registered by the Health Care Ministry, number 51023/R

Hereinafter annexed a short information on the components of PoliSterilTM ONE kit.

Assembled parts in PoliSterilTM

Sodium percarbonate and TAED
The top quality Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM disinfectant, manufactured by the multinational company Du PontTM, hold sodium percarbonate and TAED (Tetra Acetyl Ethylene Diammine). It produces a peracetic acid water solution, which in balance with hydrogen peroxide, produces AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) thanks to the synergy between H2O2 and zone.

The oxidising effect provides for a high bactericide power of each single substance, once combined.

Detergent-decontaminating wipes
Detergent-decontaminating SterilScreenTM wipes are effective to clean sensitive surfaces. The product consists of two wipes, the first holding PHMB (polyhexamethylene biguanide), Benzalkonium Chloride, the second a dry wipe, and both treated under gamma rays. The active ingredients provide for a bactericide and fungicide activity in a few minutes. As they do not hold alcohol make them suitable to use on PC monitor and LCD devices but also on probe handpieces

PoliSterilTM ONE is destined to the top quality disinfection of medical invasive and non invasive instruments, surgical probes and devices.

The main application sectors are:

Health care
Hospitals and polyclinics, Surgeries, Diagnostic labs, Dental clinics.
The product can be applied in any critical ambience, where safety and efficiency are to be provided in case of any instrument decontamination in hospitals, hospices and lab.
Dental care
Dental clinics, dental cabinets, associated companies. Dental clinics and cabinets can profit from a effective solution to get rid of any possible contamination.

Reconstitute Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM in the mains water, 16.2 g powder in 1 l water. The solution becomes blue when activated then the colour progressively disappears, while it remains effective for 24 hours or 20 cycles in any endoscope washing machine.

As to provide for the best infection control, solutions which are not used are always disposed of within 24 hours through the main sewage network.

Steril Screen wipes are useful to cleanse and decontaminate probe handpieces and alcohol-sensitive surfaces on medical devices (LCD, monitor,).

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